
Showing posts from March, 2023

Balkan Eyes Publishing

 A birthday gift. 😇 This should in fact be   but I did not set that url up yet as requires a visible registered owner (whereas .org can be cloaked), and I wish that not to be me as this is not only 'me. Balkan Eyes has nothing to do with the Balkans. It is at several levels. Mainly that over a few years four or five middle aged decent, reasonably 'free thinking' people I know and speak with often about society, they TOO have become balkanised in their way of speaking of contemporary life.  Essaying, journalising, podcasting or video essays in ways that do not fall into this trap is what I think should be primary ethos. It is in the audios i made last week when I thought, "yes, just do it!" The actual plans - just thoughts unless i get a companera on board.... are listed on a cloaked page -  sent by  email facebook ...whatever...